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Ghost Beneath the Snow

With everything that you are, try to find reasons and move forward. Be gentle with yourself. Embrace the things that make you feel aware of just how lucky you are to be alive. Beautiful things vanish every day. Don’t let your heart be one of them.





Discovered on December 9, 2019, Snowbrute Grabuki represent a newly identified subspecies of Grabukis. This subspecies is characterized by several distinct physiological adaptations that enable them to survive in extreme cold climates.



Snowbrute Grabuki are generally larger than their typical counterparts, primarily due to their dense, elongated fur. This fur not only serves as insulation but also but also allows them to thrive in a variety of frigid environments. Unlike other Grabuki, the Snowbrute's ability to host is exclusively limited to land-based mammals with substantial fat reserves necessary for their sustenance. It is important to note that aquatic or semi-aquatic mammals, as well as mammals ill-suited for cold environments, are incompatible hosts for this subspecies. Unlike regular Grabuki who walk fully upright,  Snowbrute who live in the wild walk in a crouched position, making them more stable and stealthy while Snowrbrute who was born in the city have learned and adapted to walking upright. 


Host Selection:

Snowbrute can only host creature with long furs and able to withstand cold environment. During the hosting process, Snowbrute Grabuki typically enter through the oral cavity or beneath the mammal body. This entry point is to preserve the host's fur, which is vital for the parasite's thermal regulation. Once inside, the Snowbrute consumes the host's internals, replacing the mammalian mass with its own cellular structure. This results in a comprehensive reconfiguration of the host's body, retaining only the facial structure, known as the "Mammalian Hood." This feature allows the Snowbrute to mimic typical facial functions, and it can extend or retract to fully conceal its primary head, a state referred to as "Brute-Mode."


Physiological and Behavioral Adaptations:

Snowbrute Grabuki are adapted to prolonged periods without food, maintaining moderate body heat through efficient fat utilization. Increasing body heat is metabolically costly and can lead to heightened hunger or aggression. Unlike other Grabuki, Snowbrutes can naturally extend and retract their claws without the need for specific traits, providing them with a significant survival advantage.


Restrictions and Unique Traits:

Notably, the Snowbrute subspecies lacks the capability to enter a "Parasitic Mode," nor can they acquire or upgrade to a "Parasitic Mode Tolerant" trait. This limitation is hypothesized to be a trade-off for their specialized adaptations to cold environments.

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Brute Mode/Hooded Face and Claws functionality:
Snowbrute retain the facial structure of the creature they host, known as the "Mammalian Hood." This feature allows the Snowbrute to mimic typical facial functions, and it can extend or retract to fully conceal its primary head, a state referred to as "Brute-Mode." Brute-mode can be activated at any time, their mammalian hood acts and functions like their own faces. Their jaw's bite force can be twice as powerful.

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Appearance/design requirement:
Snowbrute are topped with a second layer of fur with their mammalian hood. The eyes on the hood are notably larger and the wider jaw, with overgrown teeth extending from the gums. The facial/hood area is densely covered in fur which elongates down the back and body, while the underbody fur is typically trimmed shorter or absent, resembling a sphinx-like appearance. It's important to note that Snowbrute can only host land-based mammals, aquatic and creature that are unable to withstand cold climates/lacking adequate fur length, are unsuitable hosts.

Snowbrute Grabuki are specifically adapted to cold environments and are observed during the winter months. They exhibit a migratory behavior pattern, relocating as temperatures rise and winter conditions abate.

♢Traits system:
Their trait system is similar to regular Grabuki, but a few are differ. For example: Royal fur is common & required for Snowbrute and Exposed Nails trait, their nail is retractable by default, etc.

These traits are considered common while any other trait that is not listed here is the same as other regular Grabuki:

  • Royal fur - Common 

  • Exposed Claws/Nails (retractable) - Commmon

  • Multi Eyes - Common (Up to four additional eyes on the hooded face are considered common)

  • Feline Paw Grabbers - Common

  • Glowable eyes - common

Please check the trait spreadsheet for updated version: GRABUKI TRAITS SHEET

Snowbrute tend to display more bestial tendencies. They’re generally friendly, but can exhibit hostility or domesticity, influenced by their non-urban lifestyle and seasonal migration patterns. (You can decide how you would want your Grabby to be like!)

How to obtain:

Snowbrute Grabuki are a seasonally available subspecies, with availability confined to the fall and winter months—October through February. They can be acquired through adopt sale, "Make Your Own" (MYO) sales, and rare MYO Design Event (free to enter).

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The Tempest Effect is a unique physiological response identified exclusively in Snowbrute Grabuki. This effect is triggered by abrupt environmental changes which disrupt the Snowbrute's homeostatic mechanisms, leading to physiological and behavioral alterations.


Mechanism of the Tempest Effect:
Unlike regular Grabuki that can enter a Parasitic Mode, Snowbrute Grabuki respond to sudden environmental shifts by entering what is known as the Tempest Effect. This reaction involves significant internal biochemical changes: when the external environment becomes unstable, it induces an imbalance in the Snowbrute's system, prompting the release of various chemicals within their body. These fumes are released from any opening on the body such as the mouth, wounds, and sweat glands. 

During such events, as observed in the Red Tempest incident, affected Snowbrute were documented emitting red, smoke-like fumes. These emissions are a result of their bodies absorbing environmental elements and attempting to adapt by synthesizing similar substances to regain stability. This process can lead to a temporary state of panic and heightened aggression, with some individuals experiencing prolonged effects or choosing to maintain these altered states due to a preference for the resultant emotions.


Preventative Measures:
Snowbrute Grabuki possess an innate ability to sense impending changes in weather, season, and temperature, allowing them to prepare and potentially migrate to mitigate the effects of the Tempest Effect. This proactive behavior is crucial in preventing the onset of the physiological imbalances associated with this condition.


The Tempest Eater Trait:
The Tempest Eater trait (mutation - 6 ♢) allows Snowbrute Grabuki to control its capability to absorb environmental components and fumes, store, and and convert these elements into energy. 

The release of stored energy tends to induce a more feral state and alters the Snowbrute's physical capabilities. It allows them to move on all fours without any anatomical stress. This adaptation make them not only faster but also considerably stronger and dangerous than those who don’t. Depending on how much and how rapidly the fumes are released from the body (when the Tempest Eater is active), it reflects the Snowbrute's strength and capabilities. The effect will begin to cease once all fumes have been released. 

Feral Snowbrute pose

Only Snowbrute is capable of running in feral mode while Tempest Eater is active without anatomical stress. They can choose to activate this traits at any point.


- Without Tempest Eater traits and Tempest Effect not active:

can only temporarily walk on all fours and cannot run on all fours.


- Without Tempest Eater but with Tempest Effect active:

can run on all four, but under limited capability; they either need to sacrifice their strength to fully run on all four or sacrifice their movement for strength.

Variant of Tempest Effects:

  ♢ Red Tempest Effect: Triggered specifically by environmental phenomena that include red sand and particulate matter, resulting in the emission of red-hued smoke.
  ♢ Heat Effect: Occurs when there is an abrupt increase in temperature following a prolonged cold period. This can lead to the production of heat vapors, potentially causing overheating and fatal outcomes.
  ♢ Pollution Effect: Exposure to urban pollutants can disrupt the physiological balance, leading to the release of fumes as the Snowbrute attempts to adapt to the contaminated environment.
  ♢ Cold Response: While Snowbrute are well-adapted to cold conditions and less likely to experience adverse effects from them, extreme cold can still trigger the Tempest Effect, manifesting as heat vapor emissions as the organism strives to integrate with its environment.



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