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+ species design rules

Grabuki Body Types.png

Grabuki are a Parasitic Race who have learned to adapt and live amongst various species, being an intelligent and hardworking race that have many different shapes and sizes and personalities alike amongst individuals, with a shrouded history and origin to be explored. 

The Species are built very human like with a wide variety of physical builds and appearances, while being notable for their eyes being closer to their box like snouts, large second pair of arms located on their shoulder-blades and long tails that end off with an extra hand (these features collectively referred to as 'grabbers'), with smaller features including their face division, lip flappers, Parasitic Mode, different subspecies, traits that differ individuals between each other and hand-like feet.

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As mentioned, Grabuki have very human-like internals and systems, with similar base structures such as their muscular, digestive and nervous systems, with warm blood and red flesh (unless changed through mutation specific items).
This is due to the current and common Grabuki being evolved past their primitive and ancient forms, into a more anthro form through their parasite nature copying the structures of humans and other similar creatures, evolving to adapt to them. This is why Grabuki internals and their torso and limbs match humanoid structures closely, with their more unique traits such as their Grabbers and Faces.

They can have any build because of this similarity, ranging from chubby to very muscular, with regular Grabuki able to be within the 4ft to 7ft range of height. Baby Grabuki can be smaller, while subspecies have their own size limitations which can be found on their Species sheets.

Grabuki Grabbers.png

Grabbers are a fairly common feature on all Grabuki, being their extra pair of limbs on their shoulders and tails. These are evolved traits that Grabuki have to aid as a point of extra attack, or as an additional set to perform tasks with. The Grabbers from their shoulders are bent in a very bird wing like structure, larger and with thicker muscles compared to their normal bodies limbs, the hands only ever large enough to rest on their shoulders, or can be smaller, with either four or five fingers, these limbs more often used for combative or defensive purposes due to their thicker size. Meanwhile their tails are similar, having up to four or five fingers, but are more slender, more used for extra dexterity, similar to their regular hands.

Grabuki Hand.png

Speaking of, their regular limbs are interesting. Both their hands and feet have a very similar structure, with long digits that are jointed with claws covered in a layer of thin skin/fur, not exposed unless a trait is had. Their fingers, similar to their faces, are separated just after the knuckle by a thin line, often a different color and fur/skin texture compared to their hands, this being because their digits are slightly more sensitive compared to their full hands.

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Grabuki have a very interesting head structures.
With long boxy faces, Grabuki's muzzles are often triangular, the shape varying slightly between grabuki's to be much thicker or thinner, or with even smoother edges, but are always long and muzzle like. Their faces are clearly separated from their head by a clear line divide known as the Face Lining, their faces having thinner fur to even skin after this line while their heads before have thicker fur and two tall triangular ears. This line also separate's their lips from their mouth, lips extended in a 'flapper' of extra skin past this line, which moves with the face line when the Grabuki expresses as a part of a singular muscle together.

Grabuki eyes are more to the front of their faces, close to their nostrils which gives them very good frontal eyesight, similar to snakes! Their eyes fairly medium in size comparable to that of a humans. Unlike a Humans however, they can have up to three different colors, including a black pupil, with no visible white sclera, the color's able to form in either a ring like a bullseye, a dragon like slit or a spiral.

Grabuki Face and Eyes.png

Grabuki have an interesting face structure, triangular like (Common called in reference to a cut chunk of cheese), their face divided with a ‘lining’ that always separates their Lip Flappers (extra skin) and tall triangular ears, from their mouth and eyes, with a clear line between both face/mouth and flappers. The divide has thinner fur on the main face, or more akin to slightly fuzzy skin, the rest of the head and body being more fur like, and a Buki’s eyes are located closer to their nose**. Commonly Grabuki have sharp teeth, sometimes with very short fangs or tusks (visible when the mouth is open), small under or overbites, or more thin razor like teeth, while more uncommon to even rare can have Human-like or more deformed teeth, to even gemmed and retractable (See trait sheet for more info).
**Fun Fact: Buki heads are inspired by the lower half of a coyote skull.

Grabuki eyes are more commonly small, traits allowing them to be larger (or even have multiple!), and are often within three color's (unless traits are added), either being spiral like, bullseye, or dragon like with a slit, or a simple human like eye. Their pupil, which is black, doesn't affect the number of color's.


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